NEWS: Check out our NEW learning videos and FREE training contents on our resources section
lcarlson: thank you all, I learned a lot from the mentors, appreciate this format.
Razia Pakeer: Thank you all for your time and the excellent training, sharing your expertise and providing very useful and important knowledge/information. Very helpful. Looking forward to the next level.
Jean Bonifas: Check out the Applied Improvisation Network
Padmini Alex: Thanks for your commitment,, Dear Mentors
Sana Shamshad: Thank you every one.

HR Learn-in Webinar Project (V1.0)
Agenda and Details
Human Capital Standards: HR’s seat at the table is here - 6th. April 2020
By: Brad Boyson
A Road-map on Human-Centric Up-skilling as a Tool - 8th April 2020
By: Sallyann Della Casa
12 Inclusion Nudges to Manage Remote Teams - 15th April 2020
By: Dorothy Dalton
Dynamic Open Talent (DOT): Capitalizing on the Full Spectrum of the Workforce - 22nd April 2020
By: Lisbeth Claus, Ph.D
Workforce Advocacy in challenging times - 29th April 2020
By: Fahad Khalaf
Analytics is the future of HR - 6th May 2020
By: Paul Lalovich
Staying on Strategy during a Crisis - 13th May 2020
By: Ron Thomas
The Role of Cultural Intelligence in Remote Work - 20th May 2020
By: Marco Blankenburgh
How to minimise distraction and get work done: Whether in the office or at home? - 27th May 2020
By: Rehan Khan
Supercharge Your Personal Brand with Social Media - 3rd June 2020
By: Sam Neo
Making the case for freelancing - 10th June 2020
By: Sandrine Bardot
HR After Corona, The New HR - 17th June 2020
By: Alexandra Draycott